Tuesday, January 16, 2007

TV is torture

I'm not the most conservative guy on the block, but something's a little wrong when our designated national hero (Jack Bauer, natch) viscerally rips into the neck of a baddie, killing him, and spits out a piece of said neck into a bloody mess on the floor.

At 8:30 on a Sunday night.

I realize network TV has to compete with cable, but seriously. 24 is literally one "fuck" away from an HBO show.

Keep in mind, this is the same network - Fox - that was forced to put a disclaimer on the OC when it showed just a little too much teenage sex and not enough teenage consequences. (Remember, kids, you'll only get pregnant if you're the hispanic chick from the bad neighborhood!)

So, I'm asking nicely ... can we cool it with the snuff-film antics and just concentrate on the action? Pretty please with a finger hacksaw on top?

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