I'm trying to figure this out. Does Steve Jobs wear the same semi-turtleneck black shirt for every Apple announcement, or does he have a million of the same one?
Steve Jobs may be like a superhero. He's got this secret closet, hidden behind the fireplace, that holds about a hundred hangers with those black shirts. Some are battle-damaged, others are thermal (ya know, for arctic action), but most are just his signature uniform.
The other option is that Steve Jobs - or who we believe to be Steve Jobs - is nothing more than a robot decoy. The real Steve Jobs hatched this scheme whereby he would wear the same basic costume out in public, easing the visual transition from real human to PR android.
Meanwhile, the real Steve Jobs (if he even exists!) is living like some techy hermit, high in the mountains of Tibet, trying to figure out how to hardwire an iPod into your brain.
Or maybe, this Steve Jobs robot is a sophisticatead prototype of the next generation Apple product. And one day soon, Steve Jobs will walk out on that stage with nothing in his hands and simply peel off his face and present ...
The iSteve.
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