Tuesday, September 13, 2005

I see four black horses on the horizon ...

"To the extent the federal government didn't fully do its job right, I take responsibility," Bush says.

Holy shit! Was that an apology?

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Bloggety Blog Blog

One day, you will look back and remember reading this. And you will laugh.

"How could a simple peon like me," you'll think, "be so lucky as to happen upon the greatest blog in the history of bloggerdom. It is simply unfathomable."

Will anybody else have this feeling? Yes, they will. They will feel much the same thing that the people who read the first issue of the New York Times felt ... which, in short, is pride that they were able to read at all.

And read you must. For this blog will contain the least important, the most insignificant, and possibly the most incoherent crap you've ever read in your life. And if you don't read it, you will quite possibly die.

It is my fondest wish that you enjoy this blog and share it with your friends, and your friends' friends, and your friends' enemies, and your friends' enemies' enemies, as well as those who would play Switzerland in the morality play of your life.